Where Are the Cookies? Pt. 8

So the good news is that we have the most inventory in the housing market than we’ve had in the last 4 years. The bad news is that everyone seems to still be fighting over the same 5 houses. What good is increased inventory when the only houses being listed are the ones no one wants anyway?

Okay, okay, that was harsh. I guess I’m still frustrated over the fact that while there is more inventory that doesn’t seem to be the case where we want to move. Or that anything remotely close to what we’re looking for is still over our budget and goes pending before we can even blink.

I swear I wish I was in the market for an old farm house. There’s always an abundance of those…

I suppose what it comes down to is I still struggle with waiting patiently. I’ve never been good at waiting. Once I make up my mind whatever it is that I’ve decided has to get done, NOW. Then there’s the control part of this. Finding our next house is kind of out of my control. Because if it’s not for sale I can’t really buy it can I? And I can’t will some random stranger to list their house.

Yeah, it’s things like this that really bring out the crappy parts of my personality. Ugh, here’s where I take a deep breath and dive right back into the listings with my fingers crossed that sooner rather than later I’ll find our next house. And, in the meantime, pass me the cookies!

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