Pretty Freaking Awesome – Pt. 38

So my stuffed animal adventures continue. I stumbled on a pattern for a Christmas ornament a couple of weeks ago and I am obsessed. It’s a little snowman head with a beanie hat which includes a little pom pom on top. I’ve never been really good at making pom poms and never really wanted to wear a hat with one on it so I’ve just avoided making them.

Until now…

I made the first few and wasn’t really unhappy with how the pom poms turn out so I went looking for a tool to help me. I vaguely remembered seeing something a long time ago but dismissed it because buying a tool to help would cost money. And why spend money when you can make the same thing using your hands or cardboard, right?

Because you get a better finished product, that’s why!

It really isn’t much different than using a screwdriver to install a screw verses using your fingers.

So R.J. and I went to the craft store – I had a coupon and a reward voucher – in search of a pom pom maker set. Yep, that’s right, there are tools for all the different sizes of pom poms you’ll ever need. I’m still trying to figure out the best way to make them but they look way better. And it’s so much fun!

It really doesn’t take much I guess to make me happy. And that, my friends is pretty freaking awesome!

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