A Gradual Shift

xmas cactus 7If your house is anything like mine there are boxes, tiny bits of wrapping paper, and random t-shirts lying around everywhere. Or you could be one of those wonderfully organized people who have a spot for everything immediately – even the most unexpected gift.

Either way I think it’s safe to say we’re all just a little bit relieved to have survived another holiday. Of course New Year’s is coming up, but the worst part about that for me  is coming up with a resolution I can actually keep.

Not that this Christmas was bad. In fact it was probably one of the best ones I’ve ever had. I mentioned before I was a bit tense and cranky and couldn’t figure out why. I think I was just expecting the worst. That people would let me down or hate what I gave them or some such ridiculousness.

Then the day started and I found that I was calmer than I have ever been, even knowing I was going to spend time with extended family and friends. It was then that I realized that somewhere throughout the year that things have changed for me, in me. There was a gradual shift in my thinking.

So gradual I had no idea it was happening. Which, I think, is the best kind of change because it allows us to acclimate to the change without becoming overwhelmed. It means the change will be more sustainable. It will stick.

So even though my house is a bit messier than usual I can still smile because I while I’m cleaning and organizing I will be able to think back on the year with gratitude.

I bet you can too!

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